
pyreaper.reaper(x, fs, minf0=40.0, maxf0=500.0, do_high_pass=True, do_hilbert_transform=False, inter_pulse=0.01, frame_period=0.005, unvoiced_cost=0.9)

REAPER (Robust Epoch And Pitch EstimatoR)

Perform REAPER analysis given an audio signal

x : np.ndarray, dtype=np.int16

Input audio signal

fs : int

Sampling frequency

minf0 : float

Min f0. Default is 40.0.

maxf0 : float

Max f0. Default is 500.0.

do_high_pass : Bool

Enable Rumble-removel highpass filter. Default is True.

do_hilbert_transform : Bool

Enable Hilbert transform that may reduce phase distortion. Default is False.

inter_pulse : float

Regular inter-mark interval to use in UV pitchmark regions. Default is 0.01 (sec)

frame_period : float

Frame period. Default is 0.005 (sec).

unvoiced_cost : float

Set the cost for unvoiced segments. Default is 0.9, the higher the value the more f0 estimates in noise.

pm_times : np.ndarray, dtype=np.float32

Pitch mark time series in seconds

pm : np.ndarray, dtype=np.int32

Pitch mark. Value 1 and 0 means voiced frame and unvoiced frame, respectively.

f0_times : np.ndarray, dtype=np.float32

F0 time series in seconds

f0 : np.ndarray, dtype=np.float32

F0 contour

corr : np.ndarray, dtype=np.float32


  • if EpochTracker Init failed
  • if EpochTracker ComputeFeatures failed
  • if EpochTracker TrackEpochs failed
  • if EpochTracker ResampleAndReturnResults failed


>>> from import wavfile
>>> import pysptk
>>> import pyreaper
>>> fs, x =
>>> pm_times, pm, f0_times, f0, corr = pyreaper.reaper(x, fs)